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4852010-04-22How to find out all files that contain both A and B and copy to a new folder?Advanced search and replace3211
4912010-04-28How to find out all files that contain all words of A, B and C?Advanced search and replace3371
14002017-08-18How to find numbers in specified location and sort them?Advanced search and replace2499
11322013-09-13How to find missing numbers from a list of numbers?Advanced search and replace3044
12112014-07-02How to find maximum and minimum number out of specified column?Advanced search and replace2791
12322014-08-16How to find from an article all words not appeared in a word list?Text file parser3232
13832016-11-15How to find files with specified encoding and convert to utf8?Character encoding3749
13722016-06-12How to find files containing abc in folder f1 and move to folder f2?Batch file rename3287
13022015-04-27How to find consecutive words with more than 4 characters after the word "a"?Text file parser2704
5952010-08-23How to find bytes 0xAB**CD and replace with 0xCD**AB in multiple binary files?Search replace binary3584
3312009-05-15How to find and replace multiple line text?Replace text in multiple files3720
14422019-08-07How to find and extract first word partially matches some text?Advanced search and replace3175
1792008-06-06How to find all the sub-directories named 'abc', and rename them to 'def'?Batch file rename3177
7312011-03-03How to find all lines in file A that contain words in file B?Advanced search and replace3354
1182008-05-16How to find all elements appearing in second column and not appearing in first column? Advanced search and replace2689
12672014-12-07How to find all commas in between text tag and replace with br tag?Advanced search and replace2292
5132010-05-18How to extract the line 2-9, 12-19, 22-29, ...of a text file and save to multiple files?Text file splitter2828
11922014-04-07How to extract lines that matching the list of russian speaking names?Text file parser2911
2832008-10-19How to extract lines containing only name and address?Text file parser3117
10632013-03-08How to extract interface of paragraph without "sw ac" or "sw tr"?Text file parser2943
8502011-09-06How to extract company name ended with "co ltd" from many website?Text file parser3173
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4504
8312011-08-01How to extract and join text from multiple files with user defined format?Text file parser3614
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3710
6902011-01-04How to extract all odd columns 1,3,5,... from a text file?Text file parser3442
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