User: sam -- 2013-03-01 << 1058 1060 >> |
Hits: 3928 |
Type: Text file parser |
Search all Text file parser examples |
Description: |
If the first line is matched, It will check next coming lines until meet "!" . And in Batch of files, if it find the paragraph with ¡°spanning-tree" and deleted it, it will export the processed paragraph to a new text file with "same" file name |
Input Sample: |
file name : c:\a.txt ! xxx xxx zzz spanning-tree ! bbb ! aaa vvv ! ! interface TenGigabitEthernet2/2/1 xxxxx yyyyy nnnn spanning-tree -->need be deleted bbbbb ccccc ! ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/3 xxxxx spanning-tree -->need be deleted bbbbb ccccc ! |
Output Sample: |
file name : d:\a.txt ! interface TenGigabitEthernet2/1/1 xxxxx yyyyy bbbbb ccccc ! ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/1 xxxxx yyyyy bbbbb ccccc ! |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
Assume each paragraph is seperated by a "!" 1. ctrl-h open 'replace' window * set 'replace unit' to 'Paragraph' * set 'replace with pattern' to: * set 'If' to: * click 'settings' tab set 'para start' to: Other: 2. click 'Batch' button open 'Batch Runner' window 3. drag multiple text file from windows file browser to 'Batch Runner' window 4. set 'Change output folder' to the output folder such as: 5. click 'batch replace', all paragraph will be extracted and specified lines are removed, these paragraph will be written to new path d:\output\, done. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
Screenshot 2: Replace_Settings_Window |
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Check Demo of Text file parser |
Keywords: |
tabs span matching paragraphs written abs chin seperate export path remove paragraph same find replace paragraph in text batch find a matching paragraph in batch matching lines find next remove first line of text from multiple files windows line matching remove same text multiple files |