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14662023-02-15How to rename all the files by appending the calculated file size?Batch file rename2423
14582021-02-28How to rename hundreds of media files to their created date time?Batch file rename2425
14572021-02-28How to change JPG files to the name of its creation time?Batch file rename1700
14532020-05-08How to move and rename files from multiple folder with specified order?Batch file rename2992
14462019-10-28How to rename files with part of first line in file content?Batch file rename2574
13722016-06-12How to find files containing abc in folder f1 and move to folder f2?Batch file rename3422
13602016-04-10How to copy/remove files to a folder named by first part of filename?Batch file rename3128
12962015-04-13How to batch rename files to the first date found in the files?Batch file rename3266
12802015-02-16How to batch rename files to the specified pattern found in file content?Batch file rename3597
12722014-12-09How to rename file to the 10th - 18th characters in firstline of the file?Batch file rename3442
12532014-09-28How to batch rename files by repositioning numbers?Batch file rename3452
12492014-09-12How to batch rename files by removing unwanted parts?Batch file rename4133
12162014-07-08How to batch remove everything in filename after pattern like -xxx@ ?Batch file rename3937
12142014-07-07How to rename files by adding specified strings at specified position?Batch file rename3440
12052014-05-13How to batch rename html files with specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename4703
12042014-05-11How to batch rename html files to specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename3605
12032014-05-06How to move files to new folders which foldername is same as filename?Batch file rename3479
11942014-04-17How to batch rename files by remove everything after specificed string?Batch file rename3983
11892014-03-29How to merge files in all folders into one folder?Batch file rename4322
11462013-11-15How to batch rename files by removing everything after last "."?Batch file rename3585
11422013-10-24How to rename files by removing all leading numbers?Batch file rename3577
11412013-10-11How to batch rename files by removing all trailing numbers?Batch file rename3749
11362013-09-23How to rename different file name suffix to the same?Batch file rename3505
11262013-09-08How to change date from ddmmyy to yymmdd in multiple filenames?Batch file rename3784
11132013-08-08How to batch rename mp3 files by removing everything before dash in filename?Batch file rename3886
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