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13762016-07-24How to extract all lines not containing 'ing' and 'and'?Text file parser3005
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2393
5142010-05-19How to enclose all the odd number of lines with a pair of tags?Advanced search and replace3276
1732008-06-03How to eliminate consecutive return and spaces?Advanced search and replace3018
1712008-06-02How to delete the first word in each line in a text file?Advanced search and replace4584
2812008-10-14How to delete all text after the second comma in each line?Advanced search and replace3594
7872011-05-23How to delete a list of files from a directory and subdirectories?Advanced search and replace3227
8872011-11-15How to count the occurrence of a list of words in a text file?Count and statistics3709
8432011-08-27How to count the number of ip addresses from each country?Count and statistics3200
9672012-07-08How to count the number of consecutive lines with specified pattern?Count and statistics3178
3082008-12-25How to count how many vowels and consonants inside a text file?Count and statistics3692
5742010-07-27How to count how many IP addresses with different classes from web logs?Count and statistics3202
3072008-12-23How to count how many characters, punctuations in a text file?Count and statistics4489
10332012-12-14How to count and sort the occurrance of different lines?Count and statistics3400
9162012-02-08How to copy one file to create multiple duplicate files?Advanced search and replace3388
9172012-02-09How to copy one file for many times with pre-defined name in a list?Batch file rename5496
3922010-01-15How to copy many files that defined in a list file to another folder?Batch file rename4387
11142013-08-12How to copy a line containing specified word and insert between line 1 and 2?Replace text in multiple files3249
4002010-01-19How to convert the text format by user specified rules?Advanced search and replace3444
4642010-04-01How to convert the date in a text file into GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)?Advanced search and replace3438
1612008-05-28How to convert the data into a table with columns?Advanced search and replace4436
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3106
7672011-04-21How to convert multiple text files to html files with self-defined format?Replace text in multiple files3853
7572011-04-02How to convert date format from "March 9, 2009 at 4:26pm" to defined format?Advanced search and replace3095
7702011-04-27How to check the reason that Replace Pioneer can not launch?Advanced search and replace3515
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