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3662009-12-13How to replace all the old web address of Favoriates links?Replace text in multiple files2830
3312009-05-15How to find and replace multiple line text?Replace text in multiple files3736
12812015-02-22How to make following multiple rules replacement?Regular expression replace2866
9062012-01-25How to search and replace text for specified occurrences with reg exp?Regular expression replace3432
5812010-08-05How to search and replace with multiple mapping rules by regular expression?Regular expression replace3390
4972010-05-03How to batch replace text that contains special characters like $,{,} ?Regular expression replace4309
4662010-04-03Is there any way to strip/add the line number at the beginning of each line?Regular expression replace3833
3862010-01-08How to search and replace multiple terms with 1 common term in text file?Regular expression replace3543
4052010-01-27How to replace all the password field in text file with random chars?Random word generator3130
5182010-05-23How to count all words that are longer the 3 characters and sort by frequency?Count and statistics3153
2562008-08-22How to count number of words appeared in a text file?Count and statistics4115
2552008-08-21How to count number of digits(0-9) in a text file?Count and statistics3607
2542008-08-20How to count how many word(non-symbol) characters in a text file?Count and statistics3948
1832008-06-09How to analyze a log file and find out how many lines contain 'Pass' and how many lines contain 'Fail'?Count and statistics3308
1212008-05-17How to count how many characters in a web page?Count and statistics3964
10652013-03-18How to rename files to year month from the epoch time in file content?Batch file rename3776
3652009-12-11How to search a subset of xml filenames and rename them?Batch file rename3524
3272009-04-07How to rename many mp3 files to the format like artist-title.mp3?Batch file rename3604
2472008-08-12Is there a way to batch rename files with all letters reversed, like abcd.txt to dcba.txt?Batch file rename3775
2042008-06-27How to rename many files with the last modified date of the file?Batch file rename6064
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3428
1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3529
12152014-07-07How to batch download webpages with a gap of 10 seconds between two pages?Batch download3399
14442019-10-04How to remove duplicate words within col 1 in tab separated file?Advanced search and replace1943
12572014-10-01How to use the dictionary to do english words regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2818
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