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10902013-06-23How to merge two columns of a CSV file?Advanced search and replace3946
8992011-12-26How to merge more columns into one column in multiple csv files?Text merge4228
11692014-02-01How to merge many files into one file?Text merge3887
2402008-08-03How to merge many files into one file, and add filename before each file?Text merge8879
9952012-08-21How to merge lines with previous lines that ended with backslash?Regular expression replace3821
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge3800
11892014-03-29How to merge files in all folders into one folder?Batch file rename4163
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3604
11342013-09-20How to merge columns of 2 files with the same name in different folder?Text merge3784
9912012-08-14How to merge all files, and split into specified number of files evenly?Text merge3622
13002015-04-24How to merge 4 lines to one according to given rules?Advanced search and replace2447
9972012-08-21How to make ROT13 encryption but ignore text in angular bracket?Replace text in multiple files3489
9852012-08-04How to make multiple copies of a file and rename them from a list?Batch file rename5519
2932008-11-08How to make multi-word replacement with a mapping list?Advanced search and replace3401
14172018-05-01How to make lines with specified string lowercase in a bunch of text files?Replace text in multiple files2498
9762012-07-23How to make line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3748
12812015-02-22How to make following multiple rules replacement?Regular expression replace2863
7232011-02-21How to make column merge for files in two folders?Text merge3864
1172008-05-16How to make batch operations for following file list?Advanced search and replace2654
5802010-08-04How to make base64 encoding on multiple files?Character encoding4150
882008-05-12How to make an http address list with increasing ID?Advanced search and replace3239
6132010-09-15How to make a DOS batch file that can rename many swf files according to lists?Batch file rename3202
1752008-06-05How to make a batch replacement according to a text mapping file?Advanced search and replace3615
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3140
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3141
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