User: Vitalie -- 2014-04-18 << 1194 1196 >> |
Hits: 3828 |
Type: Text merge |
Search all Text merge examples |
Description: |
Hello, your Program is very good, but I can`t find a solution for me. I work with databases and often need to join different CSV into one. Need to have as result the sync between the columns. |
Input Sample: |
FILE1.csv Code,Description,Tax,Price 1,Table,10,150 FILE2.csv Description,Price,Tax Book,20 FILE3.csv Description,ExtPrice Banana,7 |
Output Sample: |
Code,Description,Tax,Price,ExtPrice 1,Table,10,150 ,Book,,20 ,Banana,,,7 |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
1. make sure the editor page p0 is the active window(default) 2. ctrl-h open 'replace' window * set 'replace unit' to 'Line' * set 'replace with pattern' to: * click 'advanced' tab, set 'run following for each matched unit' to: 3. click 'Batch...' button 4. drag multiple csv files to 'Batch Runner' window 5. set 'set output filename' entry to: 6. click 'batch replace', done. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
Screenshot 2: Replace_Advanced_Window |