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14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2123
14102017-12-11How to change network configuration files automatically?Advanced search and replace2887
14042017-10-09How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of specified column?Advanced search and replace3264
14032017-10-03How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of some column?Advanced search and replace2428
13712016-06-10How to generate several different versions of shuffled paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2705
13702016-06-10How to randomly generate some of the permutation of paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2627
13692016-06-07How to generate permutation of all paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2552
12592014-10-08How to extract links from a web page and add the page title at the end?Text file parser2736
12472014-09-11How to join multiple script (rst) files from replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace2560
12082014-06-19How to extract sentences that contain specified words from UTF8 file?Advanced search and replace3016
11952014-04-18How to merge different CSV with partially different columns into one?Text merge3606
11642013-12-28How to randomly delete x number of lines from text inside and outside brackets?Advanced search and replace3517
10932013-07-02How to replace a words with the previous word in the same column?Advanced search and replace3178
10782013-05-09How to replace all instances of string "page-xxx.xhtml" with "page-xxx+2.xhtml"?Advanced search and replace2890
10542013-02-17How to add title attribute for all images in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3123
10432013-01-05How to convert a vcf file with multiple entries into a csv file?Advanced search and replace4119
10122012-10-06How to extract all links of a webpage periodically and save to file?Batch download4255
9732012-07-19How to extract/remove all lines containing an accentued letterAdvanced search and replace3020
9722012-07-19How to replace all accentued letter with the one without accent? Advanced search and replace2820
9472012-05-18How to join two files line by line with comma as separator?Advanced search and replace2991
9332012-03-30How to replace or remove 3 lines randomly in a text file?Random word generator3704
9192012-02-13How to add a leading zero to all 4 digit numbers in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3268
9092012-01-28How to replace the same words in text files with different strings?Advanced search and replace3596
9022012-01-11How to add a page number after every 40 lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace3571
9012012-01-05How to extract distinct webpages from weblog file?Text file parser3593
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