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14622021-12-30How to set different replace method based on specific word?Advanced search and replace1833
14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2383
14442019-10-04How to remove duplicate words within col 1 in tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2113
14432019-08-09How to multiply numbers in each line after a certain comma?Advanced search and replace2651
14422019-08-07How to find and extract first word partially matches some text?Advanced search and replace3508
14412019-08-05How to replace specified lines with each line from a file respectively?Advanced search and replace2319
14382019-06-24How to extract specified text from pdf files?Advanced search and replace2193
14372019-03-04How to remove phrases not containing any dictionary word?Advanced search and replace2748
14352019-02-16How to replace different words conditionally?Advanced search and replace2484
14342019-01-22How to rearrange columns of comma seperated file?Advanced search and replace2883
14292018-11-22How to extract and format sentences matching given word list?Advanced search and replace2495
14242018-10-09How to find sentences that match Chinese(UTF-8 encoding) characters?Text file parser2223
14132017-12-31How to replace text conditionally with custom dictionary?Advanced search and replace3421
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3794
14102017-12-11How to change network configuration files automatically?Advanced search and replace3050
14092017-12-10How to highlight words appeared in same line in another file?Advanced search and replace2743
14082017-12-10How to replace words to their original form in a passage?Advanced search and replace2539
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2439
14042017-10-09How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of specified column?Advanced search and replace3473
14032017-10-03How to delete rows in csv based on criteria of some column?Advanced search and replace2593
14022017-09-03How to change a file with special format to csv?Advanced search and replace2883
13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2570
13962017-07-27How to extract all lines by specified words in group?Advanced search and replace2613
13952017-06-29How to find out all specified keywords from a file? Advanced search and replace2921
13842016-12-05How to insert a separator before the first Chinese char in each line?Advanced search and replace2956
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