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932008-05-13How to add a after each period '.' in text file?Advanced search and replace2871
922008-05-13How to add a blank line after every 8 lines in text file?Advanced search and replace3672
882008-05-12How to make an http address list with increasing ID?Advanced search and replace3226
872008-05-12How to add a
at the end of each line?
Advanced search and replace3341
842008-05-12How to merge the data of second column base on value of first column?Text merge3683
832008-05-12How to add 3 spaces after every 9 characters in a text file?Advanced search and replace3677
812008-05-11How to remove/delete all English characters/letters in a text file?Advanced search and replace3867
782008-05-11How to remove/delete all text between '1:' and 'user:'?Advanced search and replace3140
702008-05-08How to add specified text to the begin and end of many text files?Advanced search and replace4466
692008-05-08How to batch remove/delete one blank line between each two lines in text file?Advanced search and replace4805
662008-05-07Can I change the word order of each line and add a comma as separator?Advanced search and replace3832
652008-05-06How to remove/delete all blank lines in a text file?Advanced search and replace10678
642008-05-06How to remove/delete ending spaces of all lines automatically?Advanced search and replace4097
632008-05-06Can I find all lines containing word 'oil', and replace the whole line with text like '--This line is removed--'? Advanced search and replace3377
622008-05-06How to remove/delete all words other than 'this','that' and 'how' in a file?Advanced search and replace3328
602008-05-06How to make following user defined format conversion?Advanced search and replace3516
452007-11-24How to convert/change a file from gbk to utf-8(utf8)?Character encoding7750
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