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14442019-10-04How to remove duplicate words within col 1 in tab separated file?Advanced search and replace1923
12572014-10-01How to use the dictionary to do english words regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2804
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3108
7892011-05-27How to split a csv file according to the value of column A?Text file splitter4478
7162011-02-14How to change columns in each line to specified order in text file?Advanced search and replace3693
6912011-01-05How to extract column 3,6,7,8 from each line of text?Text file parser3067
6902011-01-04How to extract all odd columns 1,3,5,... from a text file?Text file parser3442
6482010-11-04How to generate a vocabulary file base on any text file with English articles?Advanced search and replace3036
6392010-10-26How to generate EMA columns and related STD of close value from stock data?Text data calculation3166
6122010-09-14How to reverse all the words in each line of a csv file?Advanced search and replace3495
6032010-09-01How to findout all lines that contain specified words in multiple files?Text file parser4126
6002010-08-28How to extract all words that has any letter doubled in a text file?Text file parser3129
5482010-06-27How to generate Acc/Dist, OBV, MFI and related MA from stock data?Advanced search and replace3185
5262010-06-04How to add a column of Close Location Value("CLV") on stock data?Text data calculation3232
5252010-06-03How to calculate OBV(On Balance Volume) base on stock data?Text data calculation3600
5182010-05-23How to count all words that are longer the 3 characters and sort by frequency?Count and statistics3134
4872010-04-24How to replace specified word with increasing binary sequence?Advanced search and replace3306
3862010-01-08How to search and replace multiple terms with 1 common term in text file?Regular expression replace3526
3682009-12-17How to batch replace word "old" in many files with different words "new1","new2",...?Replace text in multiple files2907
3652009-12-11How to search a subset of xml filenames and rename them?Batch file rename3509
3102008-12-28How to count the frequency of different words in website like and statistics3871
3072008-12-23How to count how many characters, punctuations in a text file?Count and statistics4488
2562008-08-22How to count number of words appeared in a text file?Count and statistics4098
2042008-06-27How to rename many files with the last modified date of the file?Batch file rename6043
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3412
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