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10742013-04-26How to transpose(exchange row and column) a comma separated text file?Advanced search and replace3213
10732013-04-18How to replace apple with orange, but leave pineapple untouched?Replace text in multiple files3277
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge3786
10712013-04-13How to replace content of many files with text from a template file?Advanced search and replace3687
10692013-04-02How to split a file into many files according to first letter of each line?Text file splitter3928
10672013-03-25How to search specific strings and save each instance into a text file?Text file parser3333
10662013-03-18How to filter out the duplicate number after the specified keywords?Advanced search and replace3031
10652013-03-18How to rename files to year month from the epoch time in file content?Batch file rename3760
10642013-03-14How to add in different sentences after the different lines?Advanced search and replace3394
10622013-03-07How to extract specified interface and sw from router configuration file?Text file parser3020
10612013-03-06How to extract text between specified start and end strings?Text file parser3638
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace2938
10582013-02-25How do I insert different pieces of text between successive paragraphs?Advanced search and replace3102
10572013-02-24How to change the location of all numbers randomly?Advanced search and replace3152
10552013-02-17How to add alt attribute for all img tags in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3744
10542013-02-17How to add title attribute for all images in html files automatically?Advanced search and replace3107
10532013-02-12How to convert list of words found in a text to all UPPER CASE?Advanced search and replace2968
10512013-02-08How to replace a character based on its position in line?Advanced search and replace2995
10502013-02-07How to replace old text with new text only in specified range?Advanced search and replace3262
10492013-01-30How to add 100 minutes for each start time?Advanced search and replace2886
10482013-01-24How to move some words from start of line to specified location in html file?Regular expression replace3210
10462013-01-24How to extract all proper names and nouns that start with an upper case letter?Text file parser3877
10452013-01-19How to clean a text file by removing hi-bit characters and binary garbage?Regular expression replace3576
10432013-01-05How to convert a vcf file with multiple entries into a csv file?Advanced search and replace4106
10422012-12-27How to convert csv or xls file to vcf file?Advanced search and replace4264
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