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9582012-06-10How to batch rename PDF files with the date inside the file?Batch file rename4804
11132013-08-08How to batch rename mp3 files by removing everything before dash in filename?Batch file rename3745
6352010-10-22How to batch rename mp3 files by adding artist name behind?Batch file rename4991
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4461
4092010-02-01How to batch rename image files by adding picture width and height?Batch file rename3539
9262012-03-07How to batch rename hyphen delimitered files with part of filename as newname?Batch file rename3904
12052014-05-13How to batch rename html files with specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename4550
5032010-05-09How to batch rename html files to the content that between a pair of h2 tags?Batch file rename4016
12042014-05-11How to batch rename html files to specified text from html title tags?Batch file rename3450
4222010-02-16How to batch rename files with the first word of file contents?Batch file rename4332
852008-05-12How to batch rename files with the first line of file content as new file name?Batch file rename7564
12802015-02-16How to batch rename files to the specified pattern found in file content?Batch file rename3457
9442012-05-06How to batch rename files to the new names from a list in a text file?Batch file rename4465
12962015-04-13How to batch rename files to the first date found in the files?Batch file rename3123
3222009-03-22How to batch rename files to the first 8 characters of the second line of file content?Batch file rename4816
7422011-03-21How to batch rename files replacing a hex epoch time with human translated time? Batch file rename3745
3452009-07-27How to batch rename files like 123123N-2(COPY).JPG to 123123-1.jpgBatch file rename3675
3622009-12-09How to batch rename files in different folders and move them to a common folder?Batch file rename4038
8842011-11-09How to batch rename files from month name to month number?Batch file rename4791
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3425
2462008-08-11How to batch rename files from format like NAME-YEAR.mp3 to YEAR-NAME.mp3?Batch file rename4605
2172008-07-09How to batch rename files from format like 'file.002' to '002_file'?Batch file rename3317
3842010-01-06How to batch rename files from format ABC12.txt to ABC0012.txt?Batch file rename3608
7752011-05-05How to batch rename files from format 2011-03-26.jpg to 26_Mar_2011.jpg?Batch file rename3282
9182012-02-12How to batch rename files from file content after Title and Author?Batch file rename4009
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