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12522014-09-21How to use the dictionary to do multiple Regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2421
12572014-10-01How to use the dictionary to do english words regex search and replace?Advanced search and replace2804
8852011-11-10How to use many replace pioneer script file(rst) on one input file?Advanced search and replace3211
3822010-01-04How to split the dictionary file and use word as filename?Text file splitter3931
5592010-07-08How to split many merged avi files into original avi files?Text file splitter4115
7202011-02-17How to split a text file according to first word in each line?Text file splitter4800
5072010-05-13How to split a large text file into specified various number of lines?Text file splitter3964
5702010-07-22How to split a file into two parts according to the content of line?Text file splitter4651
1492008-05-23How to split a file into many files by chapters, and use Chapter names as filenames?Text file splitter4317
11352013-09-23How to split a CSV file with Header according to value of column B?Text file splitter4183
8792011-10-25How to split a csv file into multiple files according to value of column B?Text file splitter6817
8862011-11-11How to sort file by the number which first appear in each line?Text sort4109
9062012-01-25How to search and replace text for specified occurrences with reg exp?Regular expression replace3413
8302011-08-01How to search and replace in multiple files base on user-defined mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3463
10362012-12-18How to replace text files using multiple pre-defined rules?Advanced search and replace3263
10942013-07-03How to replace specific words with its previous words in the same column?Advanced search and replace3039
12242014-08-02How to replace each line with line have same start word from another file?Advanced search and replace2755
10872013-06-15How to rename files to the first and last line of file contents?Batch file rename3868
12552014-09-29How to remove the first part of format A_B_A in each word?Regular expression replace2874
11112013-07-29How to remove everything before first space in filename?Batch file rename4687
12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3270
3562009-10-26How to parse data from the text file and create text with user specified format?Text file parser4471
3052008-12-10How to operate on multifiles, split each of them to small files with tag as start line?Text file splitter3362
6602010-11-21How to merge two or more files which have same file names?Text merge4085
842008-05-12How to merge the data of second column base on value of first column?Text merge3683
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