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10852013-06-07How to generate a list with random numbers between 10 and 70?Random word generator3460
10842013-06-03How to remove all lines whose 4th column enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Advanced search and replace3117
10832013-05-24How to remove or keep the lines started with a word of number?Text file parser3079
10822013-05-24How to convert list of hexadecimal to binary ?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3426
10812013-05-23How to sort the text with digit and non-digit string separated?Text sort3289
10792013-05-09How to remove everything after the second specified keywords in each line?Regular expression replace4217
10782013-05-09How to replace all instances of string "page-xxx.xhtml" with "page-xxx+2.xhtml"?Advanced search and replace2878
10772013-05-05How to insert a blank line after each group of lines with same month?Advanced search and replace3056
10742013-04-26How to transpose(exchange row and column) a comma separated text file?Advanced search and replace3214
10732013-04-18How to replace apple with orange, but leave pineapple untouched?Replace text in multiple files3278
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge3788
10712013-04-13How to replace content of many files with text from a template file?Advanced search and replace3688
10692013-04-02How to split a file into many files according to first letter of each line?Text file splitter3930
10682013-03-28How to randomly select 2~5 lines and append a string at end?Random word generator3244
10672013-03-25How to search specific strings and save each instance into a text file?Text file parser3334
10662013-03-18How to filter out the duplicate number after the specified keywords?Advanced search and replace3032
10652013-03-18How to rename files to year month from the epoch time in file content?Batch file rename3761
10642013-03-14How to add in different sentences after the different lines?Advanced search and replace3396
10632013-03-08How to extract interface of paragraph without "sw ac" or "sw tr"?Text file parser2945
10622013-03-07How to extract specified interface and sw from router configuration file?Text file parser3023
10612013-03-06How to extract text between specified start and end strings?Text file parser3640
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace2939
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3712
10582013-02-25How do I insert different pieces of text between successive paragraphs?Advanced search and replace3103
10572013-02-24How to change the location of all numbers randomly?Advanced search and replace3153
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