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11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3186
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3126
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4505
772008-05-11How to extract and join line 1 and line2 and remove/delete rest of lines in a text file?Text file parser2829
10592013-03-01How to extract all paragraphs matching "spanning-tree" and remove the match line?Text file parser3712
4022010-01-22How to extract all lines that contain words A and B and C?Text file parser4587
12482014-09-12How to extract all lines that contain specific words in a file?Text file parser3491
4032010-01-25How to extract all lines that contain A, but not any of B C D?Text file parser3758
12022014-05-05How to extract all lines in which first 2 columns are identical?Text file parser3086
5862010-08-11How to delete/remove all lines that appearred more than once?Advanced search and replace3276
3402009-06-24How to delete the full stop in the end of the lines.Advanced search and replace2673
6152010-09-19How to delete the first 1-10 lines in many files? Advanced search and replace4205
6072010-09-07How to delete range of lines 4-6,10-12, a text file?Text file parser3047
10162012-10-17How to delete lines that start with duplicate text?Advanced search and replace3108
6182010-09-22How to delete lines 1-9, 21, 24 from many files?Replace text in multiple files3429
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace2986
14312018-12-19How to delete last blank lines from multiple files?Advanced search and replace2230
6162010-09-20How to delete from FILE A all lines that appear in file B?Text file parser3120
1302008-05-18How to delete duplicate lines of a text file?Advanced search and replace8051
7542011-03-29How to delete all the lines without ceramics in text file?Advanced search and replace3170
13942017-06-16How to delete all the lines with the '*' char?Regular expression replace2732
6722010-12-07How to delete all lines with column B greater than 90 in multiple csv files?Replace text in multiple files3212
5432010-06-22How to delete all lines whose first word appeared in previous line?Advanced search and replace3154
12342014-08-16How to delete all lines that contain only a word and a blank?Advanced search and replace3031
12952015-04-10How to delete all lines containing specific word in specific column?Advanced search and replace2799
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