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1394.Regular expression replace -- How to delete all the lines with the '*' char?

User: dongshuai -- 2017-06-16          << 1393  1395 >>
Hits: 2897
Type: Regular expression replace   
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how to delete the line with the *
Input Sample:
********************** ********************** 
*******************  total   8******************* 
3.145667 -0.002902 
3.492834 -0.011026 
3.891794 -0.018719 
4.239013 -0.026676 
4.642468 -0.009604 
5.039151 -0.024349 
5.388206 -0.025604 
5.839635 -0.027930
Output Sample:
3.145667 -0.002902 
3.492834 -0.011026 
3.891794 -0.018719 
4.239013 -0.026676 
4.642468 -0.009604 
5.039151 -0.024349 
5.388206 -0.025604 
5.839635 -0.027930
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open text file 
2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue 
* set 'replace unit' to 'Line' 
* set 'search for pattern' to: 
3. click 'replace', done. 
Note: add a backslash '\' before '*’ to unescape the special use of '*'.

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

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