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5952010-08-23How to find bytes 0xAB**CD and replace with 0xCD**AB in multiple binary files?Search replace binary3583
5712010-07-23How to remove all the lines that with odd line number for multiple files?Advanced search and replace3716
5232010-05-31How to change multiple files, adding filename at the beginning of each file?Replace text in multiple files4600
5222010-05-30How to edit multiple files, move the first 3 lines of text to the bottom of file?Replace text in multiple files2910
5172010-05-22How to exchange the line 10 and 20 from many text files all at once?Advanced search and replace2987
5162010-05-21How to remove the line 10 to 20 from many text files all at once?Replace text in multiple files3987
5092010-05-14How to remove all text between 'start' and 'end' for multiple files?Advanced search and replace4238
5012010-05-08How to remove the last 3 lines of multiple text files all at once?Replace text in multiple files4500
4982010-05-05How to batch extract ascii text from multiple binary files, such as exe files?Text file parser4777
4922010-04-29How to count the number of lines and characters in multiple files and make a list?Count and statistics3785
3792009-12-31How to add MACD, EMA, FAST%K, SLOW%D columns for CSV file of stock data?Text data calculation3571
3722009-12-22How to batch reorganize stock data from CSV to TXT and add MACD and EMA?Advanced search and replace2881
3712009-12-21How to produce two new columns: MACD(12,26) and MACD EMA(9) on stock data?Text data calculation2966
3672009-12-15How can I replace the 3rd lines of many files to a fixed string?Replace text in multiple files3120
3542009-09-23How to replace the second character of every line to 4 in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3269
3502009-08-28How to batch change format of multiple files?Replace text in multiple files4894
3312009-05-15How to find and replace multiple line text?Replace text in multiple files3720
2972008-11-21How to add some text after the 5th line for every file in a directory?Advanced search and replace2671
852008-05-12How to batch rename files with the first line of file content as new file name?Batch file rename7549
482007-11-24Convert text file to HTMLHtml text generator5631
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