Replace Scope
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    Replace_Unit  Defining_a_Word 


Replace Scope is designed to limit the replace scope to user defined Paragraph or Line.



"All text" means no limitation in scope


"Paragraph" means only make replace in specified "Paragraph"


"Line" means only make replace in specified "Line"


"Line of Paragraph" means only make replace in specified "Paragraph", specified "Line"


The detailed definition can be entered in "Scope_Filter Page" of Replace Dialog



The valid Combination of Replace Unit and Replace Scope are:


1. If "Replace Unit" is "Paragraph", then "Replace Scope" can only be "All text"


2. If "Replace Unit" is "Line", then "Replace Scope" can be "All text" or "Paragraph"


3. If "Replace Unit" is "Chars" or "Word", then "Replace Scope" can be "All text", "Paragraph", "Line" or "Line of Paragraph"



The relationship between "Replace Scope" and "Unit Number Filter"


When user do a replace operation, the search engine will assign an increasing sequence id(Unit Number) to each matched text within a "Replace Scope", and the sequence id will be reset to 1 when the next "Replace Scope" is entered.


For example, if user want to replace the 2nd 'abc' in each line, set "Replace Unit" to "Line", and set "Unit Number Filter" to 2, system will reset the sequence id(Unit Number) for each line.


If user want to replace the 2nd 'abc' in each paragraph, set "Replace Unit" to "Paragraph", and set "Unit Number Filter" to 2, system will reset the sequence id(Unit Number) for each paragraph.