Replace Unit
Replace Pioneer - text/binary/web file - Batch search,replace,convert,rename,split,download    8._Running_other_batch_operations_on_multifile  Replace_Scope 


Replace Unit is designed to tell system the text to replace is a whole paragraphs, a line, a word or any number of characters.



For example, if user enter "ABC" as searched pattern, "DEF" as replaced pattern.


1. If Replace Unit is "Paragraph", then each Paragraph containing "ABC" will be removed and replace by a word "DEF".


2. If Replace Unit is "Line", then each Line containing "ABC" will be removed and replace by a word "DEF".


3. If Replace Unit is "Word", then each word containing "ABC" will be removed and replace by a word "DEF".


4. If Replace Unit is "Chars", then system will find exact "ABC" and replace with "DEF".