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8392011-08-21How to split a text file into multiple files evenly on size?Text file splitter4103
8342011-08-08How to batch rename text files with random line from file contents?Batch file rename4870
8142011-07-01How to shuffle all lines without moving some specified lines?Advanced search and replace3361
8132011-06-30How to shuffle specified lines in multiple text files?Advanced search and replace4164
8122011-06-30How to split one line into 3 to 5 sentences ended by period randomly?Advanced search and replace3133
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4504
8102011-06-29How to shuffle all sentences ended by period within each line?Advanced search and replace2668
8032011-06-21How to remove all lines that have duplicate contents in CSV files?Advanced search and replace3191
7892011-05-27How to split a csv file according to the value of column A?Text file splitter4480
7882011-05-24How to create many different html files base on a given template? Html text generator4119
7792011-05-13How to simulate a Lucky Draw program to pop-up names in random order?Random word generator3583
7732011-05-03How to sort all words in alphabetic order for each line in CSV file?Text sort3345
7632011-04-12How to extract 5 unique lines from a text file with 30 lines?Random word generator3798
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3244
7392011-03-17How to sort all the numbers in each line randomly?Text sort3765
7282011-02-28How to calculate the percentage of the number in the column1?Text data calculation3208
7202011-02-17How to split a text file according to first word in each line?Text file splitter4800
7102011-01-31How to extract all links which contain "shop" from many html files?Text file parser3766
6632010-11-23How to calculate the summaries of every line in a txt file?Text data calculation3368
6602010-11-21How to merge two or more files which have same file names?Text merge4085
6582010-11-20How to split each line of text into 2 lines with same number of characters?Advanced search and replace3178
6292010-10-13How to batch generate md5sum and sha1sum of all exe files under some folder?Text generator4264
6162010-09-20How to delete from FILE A all lines that appear in file B?Text file parser3118
6102010-09-12How to batch convert arabic number to roman numbers automatcially?Advanced search and replace3125
6062010-09-07How to split a text file to different files according to first word in each line?Text file splitter3725
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