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1402008-05-21How to batch remove/delete non-fixed text in a text file?Advanced search and replace3497
1802008-06-08How to batch replace lines that has less than 10 characters?Advanced search and replace3438
2912008-11-05How to remove/delete all single-byte characters in a text fileAdvanced search and replace3425
8712011-10-11How to extract all characters within specified char set from a text file?Text file parser3415
2592008-08-27How to remove/delete all characters except number and spaces in a text file?Advanced search and replace3410
2732008-09-25How to extract all lines longer than 80 characters from a text file?Text file parser3392
952008-05-13How to replace the characters in fixed position in each line?Advanced search and replace3380
2112008-07-03Is it possible to remove/delete characters at specified location(such as 1,3,5) of each line?Advanced search and replace3364
3062008-12-20How to use "if" in replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace3329
3902010-01-13How to remove everything that appears before the "->" in each line?Advanced search and replace3308
5042010-05-09How do I replace all the tags
in many html files?
Replace text in multiple files3263
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3236
562008-01-18Can I Convert all symbols (except Keyboard characters) to Unicode in word document? Advanced search and replace3218
4942010-05-01How to reverse the order of characters in each line of text?Advanced search and replace3217
1742008-06-04How to batch rename many directories all at once by adding a sequence number ahead?Batch file rename3203
6582010-11-20How to split each line of text into 2 lines with same number of characters?Advanced search and replace3178
1342008-05-19How to reverse a text file by characters?Advanced search and replace3165
11212013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters after first ''' from multiple files?Text file parser3161
5182010-05-23How to count all words that are longer the 3 characters and sort by frequency?Count and statistics3137
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3123
11632013-12-25How to split one line into two lines from middle?Advanced search and replace3115
10352012-12-18How to add a space in the middle of the two characters in each line?Advanced search and replace3108
2012008-06-24How can I add a word before the last 10 characters of each line?Advanced search and replace3097
12232014-07-31How to remove paragraphs in which the full-wide chars are duplicated with previous?Advanced search and replace3050
7132011-02-06How to wrap text by adding return but without breaking words?Advanced search and replace3044
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