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494.Advanced search and replace -- How to reverse the order of characters in each line of text?

User: editor -- 2010-05-01          << 493  495 >>
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Type: Advanced search and replace   
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How to reverse the order of characters in each line of text?
Input Sample:
This is line 1 to reverse 
This is line 2 to reverse 
Output Sample:
esrever ot 1 enil si sihT 
esrever ot 2 enil si sihT 
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps.
1. ctrl-o open source text file 
2. ctrl-h open 'replace' window 
* set 'replace unit' to 'Lines' 
* enter 'replace with pattern' like: 
3. click 'Replace', done! 
4. ctrl-s save to file.
Download Script:  scripts/

Screenshot 1:  Replace_Window

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Check Demo of Advanced search and replace
reverse the order  reverse  order  characters  chars  character  char  lines  enter  each line  reverse characters  reverse line  search text file in reverse  replace in reverse text  reverse text  line order  order line  replace characters