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2652008-09-03How to batch remove/delete the last 6 characters of many filenames?Batch file rename8186
2602008-08-28How to capitalize the first words of each sentence automatically?Advanced search and replace3393
2562008-08-22How to count number of words appeared in a text file?Count and statistics4099
2542008-08-20How to count how many word(non-symbol) characters in a text file?Count and statistics3932
2512008-08-16How to convert the text from decimal to hex in a file?Advanced search and replace3648
2502008-08-15How to convert the text from hex to decimal in a file?Advanced search and replace4138
2462008-08-11How to batch rename files from format like NAME-YEAR.mp3 to YEAR-NAME.mp3?Batch file rename4590
2412008-08-05How to add xml tags for text file containing personal data information?Advanced search and replace2877
2392008-08-02How to replace all digits into a random digit, but keep other letters in a text file?Random word generator3169
2282008-07-19How to sort many lines by comparing the second word in each line?Text sort3520
2262008-07-17How to split files by columns with fixed widths, and save to files with sequence?Text file splitter4567
2192008-07-11How to extract the 3rd to 6th characters of the second word of the 2nd line in a lot of text file and save them together to a new file?Text file parser2979
2092008-07-02How to reorganize following ":" delimited data into columns?Advanced search and replace3121
2052008-06-28How to make multiple text replace at the same time?Replace text in multiple files4540
2042008-06-27How to rename many files with the last modified date of the file?Batch file rename6046
2032008-06-26How to batch rename files from format like TEST_2008_06_22_ABC.TXT to 20080622.TXT?Batch file rename3416
2022008-06-25How to batch replace all words 'tool' with 'software' only in Title part of many HTML files?Advanced search and replace2921
2012008-06-24How can I add a word before the last 10 characters of each line?Advanced search and replace3098
1992008-06-23Is it easy to analyze web logs and provide a sorted list of visiting numbers of different countries?Count and statistics3269
1942008-06-19How to exchange the first word and second word which is separated by _ in all lines?Advanced search and replace2991
1892008-06-14How to sort all lines of text by specified keyword?Text sort4589
1872008-06-12Is it possible to generate a full list of 'abcd','Abcd',... with each letter changed to uppercase or lowercase?Text generator3149
1822008-06-09How to extract all function names from a perl program?Text file parser3217
1812008-06-08Is there any way to count how many pure English word in a text file?Count and statistics3654
1792008-06-06How to find all the sub-directories named 'abc', and rename them to 'def'?Batch file rename3178
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