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9132012-02-06How to remove consecutive duplicate words in multiple files?Regular expression replace5737
8902011-11-24How to delete/remove any text with time format of HH:MM:SS?Regular expression replace3039
8672011-10-07How to keep all specified words in an article and remove rest words?Regular expression replace2945
8662011-10-06How to remove the xml tag and some duplicated tags of combined xml files?Regular expression replace3815
8472011-09-02How to remove leading spaces and tabs in each line in multiple text files?Regular expression replace4850
8202011-07-12How to remove all lines that contain some specific strings in a text file?Regular expression replace3561
8082011-06-27How to remove all path information for multiple http addresses in text file?Regular expression replace3065
7242011-02-24How to remove the first pair of parenthesis and enclosed content in each line?Regular expression replace3329
7222011-02-20How to remove any comments that from hash mark "#" to line end?Regular expression replace4847
7212011-02-19How to remove any space before punctuation marks and add a space after it?Regular expression replace3611
7042011-01-24How to remove the sequence number before each line of text file?Regular expression replace3672
5492010-06-28How to remove all blank lines and lines that started with Name: or Addr:?Regular expression replace3432
5112010-05-16How to remove nested html tags that only enclose blank tags or  ?Regular expression replace3531
5102010-05-15How to remove all html tags that enclose nothing or " " ?Regular expression replace3146
4722010-04-09How to remove consecutive space and table keys at the end of each line?Regular expression replace8394
4662010-04-03Is there any way to strip/add the line number at the beginning of each line?Regular expression replace3816
3782009-12-30How to remove all lines that contains more than one word?Regular expression replace3861
3642009-12-11How to batch remove all the text that enclosed by a pair of parenthesis?Regular expression replace3931
9332012-03-30How to replace or remove 3 lines randomly in a text file?Random word generator3689
7782011-05-11How to remove around 1/2 lines randomly from a large text files?Random word generator3034
13602016-04-10How to copy/remove files to a folder named by first part of filename?Batch file rename2960
12492014-09-12How to batch rename files by removing unwanted parts?Batch file rename3974
12162014-07-08How to batch remove everything in filename after pattern like -xxx@ ?Batch file rename3741
11942014-04-17How to batch rename files by remove everything after specificed string?Batch file rename3814
11132013-08-08How to batch rename mp3 files by removing everything before dash in filename?Batch file rename3726
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