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4262010-02-20How to sort the lines in a text files by the order of line length?Text sort5137
13172015-09-02How to generate all palindromic prime with specified length? Text generator2796
5572010-07-07How to generate a full number list base on given number range list?Text generator3472
12602014-10-12How to divide by 10 for all numbers not less than 40?Text data calculation2871
8232011-07-20How to count the number of words with different length in an English article?Count and statistics2893
12802015-02-16How to batch rename files to the specified pattern found in file content?Batch file rename3457
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3141
11632013-12-25How to split one line into two lines from middle?Advanced search and replace3127
11402013-09-29How to change each line of data to the specified format?Advanced search and replace3502
6582010-11-20How to split each line of text into 2 lines with same number of characters?Advanced search and replace3191
4292010-02-23How to format all the data in the text file with 8.2 format?Advanced search and replace3070
3062008-12-20How to use "if" in replace pioneer?Advanced search and replace3342
2422008-08-06How to align text to the right side in each line by adding spaces at the left?Advanced search and replace2783
2382008-07-30How to add spaces to align text to the center in a text file?Advanced search and replace3196
2072008-06-30How to removing all leading zeros in a text file containing many numbers?Advanced search and replace2828

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