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1272008-05-18How to generate a list of batch commands with different increasing id?Advanced search and replace3228
882008-05-12How to make an http address list with increasing ID?Advanced search and replace3226
11732014-02-11How to extract specified text followed by 8 digits from text file?Text file parser3224
11382013-09-25How to generate full combinations of "a b" where a and b are from 2 different files?Text generator3220
1822008-06-09How to extract all function names from a perl program?Text file parser3215
5882010-08-13How to generate a list of number base on given formula such as 3n+1?Text generator3214
8852011-11-10How to use many replace pioneer script file(rst) on one input file?Advanced search and replace3211
6132010-09-15How to make a DOS batch file that can rename many swf files according to lists?Batch file rename3189
5482010-06-27How to generate Acc/Dist, OBV, MFI and related MA from stock data?Advanced search and replace3185
8402011-08-22How to generate a full list of 4 character strings that consists of a-z and 0-9?Text generator3173
2392008-08-02How to replace all digits into a random digit, but keep other letters in a text file?Random word generator3167
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3166
6392010-10-26How to generate EMA columns and related STD of close value from stock data?Text data calculation3166
4112010-02-03How to generate consequence date from 2008-01-01 to 2009-12-31?Text generator3165
7862011-05-22How to generate numbers from 0029000 down to 0010001?Text generator3160
1872008-06-12Is it possible to generate a full list of 'abcd','Abcd',... with each letter changed to uppercase or lowercase?Text generator3147
14522020-03-25How to generate all possible combinations between AAAA-0000 to ZZZZ-9999?Text generator3134
11052013-07-15How to make math calculation on columns and generate a new column of result?Text data calculation3127
6422010-10-29How to generate HEX numbers from 0000 to 270F with 270F been the highest? Text generator3124
8062011-06-24How to extract all emails from many webs with depth 2?Text file parser3121
3242009-03-31How to create 1000 files from template.txt, change "ITEM1" to "ITEM1", ..."ITEM1000" for each file?Advanced search and replace3073
11322013-09-13How to find missing numbers from a list of numbers?Advanced search and replace3044
1002008-05-14How to re-organize following text and generate a new format dictionary?Advanced search and replace3043
10092012-10-01How to copy a specific file to all sub-folders?Advanced search and replace3041
6482010-11-04How to generate a vocabulary file base on any text file with English articles?Advanced search and replace3036
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