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1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3514
1692008-06-01Is there a way to batch rename files with the first line of the file content?Batch file rename4262
2472008-08-12Is there a way to batch rename files with all letters reversed, like abcd.txt to dcba.txt?Batch file rename3759
2002008-06-23Is it possible to convert all the hexadecimal figures in a file to plain readable code?Advanced search and replace3760
712008-05-08I have many files, how to rename them with even numbers like file2,file4,file6,...Batch file rename3168
2442008-08-08How to split text file by number of bytes?Text file splitter4331
5502010-06-29How to split a file by every 100 lines, and put every 50 files into one folder?Text file splitter3707
1482008-05-23How to sort the files by prefered sequence, and batch add a sequence number after each file?Batch file rename3476
3212009-03-18How to search hundreds of xml files for a list of numbers, find out which file contains which number?Replace text in multiple files3634
3972010-01-17How to run a program on many html files to extract useful text?Text file parser3446
9942012-08-20How to rename mp3 files by exchanging artist and name part?Batch file rename3495
1392008-05-20How to rename many jpg files with sequence id and record it?Batch file rename3749
1202008-05-17How to rename many files to the format of file.number.ext?Batch file rename3798
12852015-03-09How to rename files in batch download?Batch download2971
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3960
11422013-10-24How to rename files by removing all leading numbers?Batch file rename3426
6412010-10-28How to rename all files by multiplying each number in filename by 3?Batch file rename3287
11112013-07-29How to remove everything before first space in filename?Batch file rename4690
4422010-03-09How to move all image files with the width greater than height?Batch file rename3483
10992013-07-09How to move all files whose names are ended with numbers to another folder?Batch file rename3456
9912012-08-14How to merge all files, and split into specified number of files evenly?Text merge3613
9852012-08-04How to make multiple copies of a file and rename them from a list?Batch file rename5507
2192008-07-11How to extract the 3rd to 6th characters of the second word of the 2nd line in a lot of text file and save them together to a new file?Text file parser2979
3962010-01-16How to extract text from many webpage files and form a dabase file?Text file parser4513
7812011-05-18How to extract all lines with numbers from many text files?Text file parser3796
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