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12642014-11-14How to insert first 7 characters of filename into the end HTML file?Advanced search and replace2564
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2470
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3123
11802014-02-23How to bulk remove Chinese characters?Replace text in multiple files5945
11262013-09-08How to change date from ddmmyy to yymmdd in multiple filenames?Batch file rename3599
11212013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters after first ''' from multiple files?Text file parser3161
11202013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters form multiple .txt.files?Text file parser3594
10142012-10-08How to remove the "." and following strings from multiple filenames?Batch file rename3664
9112012-02-01How to remove a string of characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5382
8422011-08-26How to remove some specified characters from multiple filenames?Batch file rename5635
7552011-03-30How to extract all lines with more than 30 characters from multiple files?Text file parser3672
7062011-01-26How to batch rename files by keeping only the numbers at the end?Batch file rename3892
6792010-12-19How to calculate the summary of all numbers in multiple files?Text data calculation3819
5042010-05-09How do I replace all the tags
in many html files?
Replace text in multiple files3263
4972010-05-03How to batch replace text that contains special characters like $,{,} ?Regular expression replace4287
4922010-04-29How to count the number of lines and characters in multiple files and make a list?Count and statistics3785
4692010-04-06How to count and sort the frequency of all words appeared in many text files?Count and statistics6997
4502010-03-17How to rename files by removing characters enclosed by '(' and ')'?Batch file rename3236
3222009-03-22How to batch rename files to the first 8 characters of the second line of file content?Batch file rename4797
2652008-09-03How to batch remove/delete the last 6 characters of many filenames?Batch file rename8185
2582008-08-26How to batch remove/delete the 5,6,7 characters of many filenames?Batch file rename4840
2192008-07-11How to extract the 3rd to 6th characters of the second word of the 2nd line in a lot of text file and save them together to a new file?Text file parser2978
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename7821
1952008-06-20How to batch rename files by removing all letters and symbols in filename, only keep numbers?Batch file rename4463
1802008-06-08How to batch replace lines that has less than 10 characters?Advanced search and replace3438
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