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472007-11-24Need to extract all links from html fileText file parser4644
4662010-04-03Is there any way to strip/add the line number at the beginning of each line?Regular expression replace3818
1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3514
2472008-08-12Is there a way to batch rename files with all letters reversed, like abcd.txt to dcba.txt?Batch file rename3759
7402011-03-18How to validate many email addresses in a text file and export them?Advanced search and replace3110
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace2895
4262010-02-20How to sort the lines in a text files by the order of line length?Text sort5122
14512020-01-28How to search and capitalize title in multiple HTML files?Replace text in multiple files2702
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3097
8292011-07-30How to replace strings in multiple files with a global increasing ID?Replace text in multiple files3502
9622012-06-17How to replace strings in hundreds of html files in one action?Replace text in multiple files3943
6372010-10-24How to replace multiple text in multiple files with variable strings?Replace text in multiple files3594
11782014-02-19How to replace a word/string with increasing number in multiple files?Advanced search and replace3396
5772010-07-31How to rename all the files by adding the file size after filename?Batch file rename3424
1082008-05-15How to remove/delete text after html> in many html files?Advanced search and replace3060
5112010-05-16How to remove nested html tags that only enclose blank tags or  ?Regular expression replace3534
5092010-05-14How to remove all text between 'start' and 'end' for multiple files?Advanced search and replace4241
3432009-07-15How to read the text from a web page and change all letters to lower case?Advanced search and replace2931
982008-05-14How to make html tags for image file list automatically?Advanced search and replace3639
882008-05-12How to make an http address list with increasing ID?Advanced search and replace3227
10242012-11-14How to insert mulitple text files into multiple html files?Replace text in multiple files3990
12642014-11-14How to insert first 7 characters of filename into the end HTML file?Advanced search and replace2566
4172010-02-09How to generate 200 random numbers in the range of 100 to 300?Random word generator4433
3312009-05-15How to find and replace multiple line text?Replace text in multiple files3721
4252010-02-19How to extract/parse all http addresses from text/html file?Text file parser4347
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