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1622008-05-28Can I count the appearance frequency of each character in a text file?Count and statistics3769
1612008-05-28How to convert the data into a table with columns?Advanced search and replace4438
1582008-05-26How to remove/delete a group of words like 123,456,789,abc in a text file in one operation? Advanced search and replace2528
1512008-05-23Is there any way to keep only the first occurrance of a specified text, and remove/delete the rest?Advanced search and replace2921
1472008-05-22Is there a way to make word editing automatically, such as adding a "!" after each word?Advanced search and replace3041
1342008-05-19How to reverse a text file by characters?Advanced search and replace3168
1282008-05-18How to process text files, only keep the first word of each line?Advanced search and replace3098
1262008-05-18How to generate a random binary sequence matrix?Random word generator4788
1212008-05-17How to count how many characters in a web page?Count and statistics3951
1112008-05-15How to count the frequency of numbers base on the value range?Count and statistics3248
1042008-05-15Can I count the frequency of each word in a text file?Count and statistics4048
1032008-05-15How to add hard returns to limit line length to 40, but without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3957
1012008-05-14How to replace word 'abc' to 'def' in specified lines like 1-10,18,20?Advanced search and replace2731
992008-05-14How to convert text with pig latin rules?Advanced search and replace4771
822008-05-11How to count and sort the frequency of each line?Count and statistics3401
762008-05-11How to split a single line into many lines, keep two words for each line?Text file splitter4193
742008-05-09How to convert binary data in many text file to hexdecimal data?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3923
682008-05-07How can I remove/delete 'word1', 'word2', ... in many files in one step?Advanced search and replace2664
662008-05-07Can I change the word order of each line and add a comma as separator?Advanced search and replace3835
632008-05-06Can I find all lines containing word 'oil', and replace the whole line with text like '--This line is removed--'? Advanced search and replace3380
622008-05-06How to remove/delete all words other than 'this','that' and 'how' in a file?Advanced search and replace3332
562008-01-18Can I Convert all symbols (except Keyboard characters) to Unicode in word document? Advanced search and replace3221
492007-11-24Reverse order the 2,3,4,5 words of each line.Advanced search and replace3220
442007-11-24How to correct typos in a paragraph?Advanced search and replace3721
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