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7572011-04-02How to convert date format from "March 9, 2009 at 4:26pm" to defined format?Advanced search and replace3095
11842014-03-10How to delete or copy text that match specified pattern of html tag?Text file parser3061
10772013-05-05How to insert a blank line after each group of lines with same month?Advanced search and replace3054
10942013-07-03How to replace specific words with its previous words in the same column?Advanced search and replace3038
12752015-01-03How to extract the forth column in the second line from different files?Text file parser3035
11992014-04-30How to replace the second column of a file with an increasing number?Advanced search and replace3016
6612010-11-22How to multiply column in one file with multiple columns in another?Text data calculation2992
1942008-06-19How to exchange the first word and second word which is separated by _ in all lines?Advanced search and replace2989
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace2985
2192008-07-11How to extract the 3rd to 6th characters of the second word of the 2nd line in a lot of text file and save them together to a new file?Text file parser2978
3952010-01-16How to convert database file into "|" delimitered file?Advanced search and replace2931
2872008-10-29How to add a komma (,) after first and second words in each line?Advanced search and replace2905
5632010-07-12How to update many htmls by adding some paragraphs at the specific position?Advanced search and replace2893
10302012-12-03How to replace specified occurrance of some string to a list of words?Advanced search and replace2851
4232010-02-17How to convert date from seconds passed since 1970 to YMD format?Advanced search and replace2848
10382012-12-19How to increase timestamps by a step of 0.01 seconds?Advanced search and replace2825
12222014-07-30How to extract line if the 1st column is "a2" and the 2nd column is "b2"?Text file parser2759
13542016-03-19How to copy same lines and combine different lines from 2 files?Text merge2749
2142008-07-06How to add 15 days on all date(YYYY-MM-DD) in a text file?Advanced search and replace2741
1182008-05-16How to find all elements appearing in second column and not appearing in first column? Advanced search and replace2689
12562014-09-29How to update values in xml file according to values from another xml?Advanced search and replace2654
12942015-04-07How to generate a list from 00001 to FFFFF?Text generator2644
13652016-04-25How to remove all lines but the second line from bottom?Replace text in multiple files2617
12912015-04-01How to convert a duration of seconds to a time format?Text data calculation2581
13672016-05-23How to extract different part from adjacent lines?Text file parser2545
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