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13422016-02-16How to make a subtraction of the specified time string?Text data calculation2598
13412016-02-16How to remove paragraphs with different 4th column and last column in second line?Text file parser2648
13402016-02-16How to extract the first and last lines where the second column is the same?Text file parser2585
13352016-01-13How to replace the second column in a tab seperated file?Advanced search and replace2620
13222015-11-07How to remove all but first lines whose second column is bigger than 6?Advanced search and replace2526
13192015-10-18How to remove the first occurrance of duplicated words in each line?Advanced search and replace2494
12752015-01-03How to extract the forth column in the second line from different files?Text file parser3243
12222014-07-30How to extract line if the 1st column is "a2" and the 2nd column is "b2"?Text file parser2961
11992014-04-30How to replace the second column of a file with an increasing number?Advanced search and replace3215
11282013-09-11How to delete line with specific columns in specific range?Advanced search and replace3173
10942013-07-03How to replace specific words with its previous words in the same column?Advanced search and replace3229
10752013-04-27How to batch rename csv file with text from 2nd line, 2nd column of file?Batch file rename3572
10722013-04-14How to merge for example 1000 files into 100 files?Text merge4037
9702012-07-12How to search/replace multiple text files base on rules from csv file?Replace text in multiple files5082
9612012-06-16How to search and replace text base on csv file column 1 and 2?Advanced search and replace3548
8252011-07-25How to search and replace words in specified column in csv file?Advanced search and replace3510
8242011-07-21How to delete the second column in multiple text files?Advanced search and replace3707
7502011-03-27How to append the second columns of file A and B if first columns are identical?Text file splitter3433
7232011-02-21How to make column merge for files in two folders?Text merge4039
7192011-02-17How to extract the second column from a database text file?Text file parser4006
6922011-01-06How to sort a text/csv file by the date DD/MM/YYYY in second column?Text sort4308
6752010-12-10How to sort csv files by column B, which has date of format "21/Jan/2010"?Text sort3369
6712010-12-04How to compare two folders and merge files which have same file names by column?Text merge3765
6612010-11-22How to multiply column in one file with multiple columns in another?Text data calculation3151
6442010-10-31How to combine 2 lists of numbers into 2 columns repeatly?Advanced search and replace3309
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