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13502016-03-03How to extract info from xml value and generate a new format text?Advanced search and replace2391
8722011-10-13How to search and replace strings in multiple utf-8 encoded text files?Character encoding4624
6332010-10-18How to batch strip/remove utf8 BOM for many files? (Replace Pioneer new version) Replace text in multiple files8636
6312010-10-15How to batch add utf8 BOM for many files? (with Replace Pioneer new version)Replace text in multiple files7966
4882010-04-25How to batch change many html files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8?Character encoding4722
2212008-07-13How to batch add utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace5816
2202008-07-12How to batch strip(remove) utf8 BOM of many files?Advanced search and replace8677
2122008-07-04How to batch convert/change many html files from gb2312 to utf-8(utf8)?Character encoding10872

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