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13822016-11-04How to replace a string with one of the specified words randomly in multiple files?Random word generator3051
13702016-06-10How to randomly generate some of the permutation of paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2625
13212015-11-03How to extract random lines containing specified words?Text file parser2804
13152015-08-09How to keep specified number of lines randomly?Random word generator3139
13102015-07-14How to generate required format with given words in each line?Text generator2938
13092015-07-01How to randomly replace each word with a list of pre-defined words?Random word generator2927
12772015-01-26How to find out in each line which words in the list appear?Advanced search and replace2666
12502014-09-15How to Random insert one or three line to a text file?Advanced search and replace2528
12102014-06-30How to re-arrange lines with in a specified number of lines?Text sort3767
12012014-05-02How to take words from first line and insert into text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3124
11972014-04-29How to take part of the first line and insert them in text file randomly?Advanced search and replace3307
11872014-03-23How to convert pipe separated elements in each line to specified format?Advanced search and replace3121
11822014-03-04How to shuffle all elements in a specified range in text file?Advanced search and replace3227
11812014-03-03How to shuffle all lines of text in specified range?Advanced search and replace3319
11752014-02-17How to sort randomly(shuffle) all paragraphs that separated by ## in multiple files?Advanced search and replace2917
11732014-02-11How to extract specified text followed by 8 digits from text file?Text file parser3238
11642013-12-28How to randomly delete x number of lines from text inside and outside brackets?Advanced search and replace3516
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3060
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3197
11542013-12-05How to randomly deletes x number of lines from text files?Advanced search and replace3272
11522013-12-04How to randomly insert a word or phrase x number of times into text files?Advanced search and replace3056
11252013-09-04How to create a text file by choosing N random lines from each of many files?Text merge3836
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3278
11022013-07-10How to insert 3 to 10 words "ABC" into random position between any 2 words?Advanced search and replace2922
10982013-07-09How to insert random lines from one file into another file at random points? Advanced search and replace3034
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