User: Dilip -- 2014-03-03 << 1180 1182 >> |
Hits: 3496 |
Type: Advanced search and replace |
Search all Advanced search and replace examples |
Description: |
Randomize a HTML list. Let the <ul> </ul> remain the same but I need to change the order of <li> tags in a random fashion |
Input Sample: |
<ul> <li>milk</li> <li>butter</li> <li>eggs</li> <li>orange juice</li> <li>bananas</li> </ul> |
Output Sample: |
<ul> <li>eggs</li> <li>bananas</li> <li>orange juice</li> <li>butter</li> <li>milk</li> </ul> |
Answer: |
Hint: You need to Download and install "Replace Pioneer" on windows platform to finish following steps. |
1. ctrl-o open text/html file 2. ctrl-h open 'replace' dialogue * set 'search for pattern' to search specified range: * set 'replace with pattern' to: 3. click 'replace', done. 4. ctrl-s save to file. |
Screenshot 1: Replace_Window |
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Check Demo of Advanced search and replace |
Keywords: |
randomize shuffle all lines shuffle range tags unique tag random rando rand replace text with list random lines tags replace text in specified range shuffle lines in the text random order replace text random html shuffle text lines shuffle lines |