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12642014-11-14How to insert first 7 characters of filename into the end HTML file?Advanced search and replace2564
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2469
11262013-09-08How to change date from ddmmyy to yymmdd in multiple filenames?Batch file rename3599
11212013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters after first ''' from multiple files?Text file parser3161
11202013-08-27How to extract first 55 characters form multiple .txt.files?Text file parser3594
5622010-07-11Is there any documents that describe how to set batch file rename rules?Batch file rename3146
3222009-03-22How to batch rename files to the first 8 characters of the second line of file content?Batch file rename4797
2132008-07-05How to batch rename files by removing first 3 characters of filename?Batch file rename7820
1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3513
722008-05-08How to batch rename files by removing the first 3 characters of each file name?Batch file rename7524

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