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6832010-12-23How to extract all lines that containing ABC or DEF with original order?Text file parser3218
4022010-01-22How to extract all lines that contain words A and B and C?Text file parser4586
8052011-06-23How to extract all lines that contain chem, but not any of org and cn?Text file parser3323
4032010-01-25How to extract all lines that contain A, but not any of B C D?Text file parser3757
5982010-08-26How to extract all lines in which the first character is the same as last character?Text file parser2829
12022014-05-05How to extract all lines in which first 2 columns are identical?Text file parser3085
9842012-08-04How to extract all lines containing words in specified file?Text file parser4745
4192010-02-12How to extract all IP address from a text file?Text file parser6886
4012010-01-20How to extract all image links from a html file?Text file parser4740
7462011-03-25How to extract all html address from a text file?Text file parser4352
1822008-06-09How to extract all function names from a perl program?Text file parser3215
8002011-06-16How to extract all function name and sub name from VBA script file?Text file parser3514
8702011-10-11How to extract all english words that preceded by multi-byte characters?Text file parser3653
4742010-04-11How to extract all email addresses from many text files?Text file parser5178
8442011-08-30How to extract all commands from operation log file in unix platform?Text file parser2826
8712011-10-11How to extract all characters within specified char set from a text file?Text file parser3414
9432012-05-02How to extract all blocks that contain specified strings like "A"?Text file parser3541
12992015-04-23How to extarct specified pattern by conditions?Text file parser2498
7532011-03-28How to exract specified strings started with www from text file?Text file parser3477
14682024-01-18How to encode normal URL?Advanced search and replace817
11842014-03-10How to delete or copy text that match specified pattern of html tag?Text file parser3061
13142015-08-07How to decorate each of marching number with specified format?Advanced search and replace2672
10952013-07-04How to create files from template where filenames and keywords come from a list?Text generator3260
7382011-03-15How to count the number of occurrence of every double letters?Count and statistics3143
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2250
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