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2442008-08-08How to split text file by number of bytes?Text file splitter4329
5072010-05-13How to split a large text file into specified various number of lines?Text file splitter3964
1882008-06-13How to split a file by specified number of lines like 10,20,30,20,20,20 ...?Text file splitter3245
5502010-06-29How to split a file by every 100 lines, and put every 50 files into one folder?Text file splitter3706
9912012-08-14How to merge all files, and split into specified number of files evenly?Text merge3610
2372008-07-29How to mask specified bytes of a list of phone numbers?Advanced search and replace2784
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3828

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