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12832015-03-02How to refine multiple text files by specified rules?Advanced search and replace3272
14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2101
13812016-10-30How to re-group all lines in a file by a wordlist file?Text file parser2960
12732014-12-12How to re-group all elements in specified range?Advanced search and replace2831
11172013-08-22How to randomly select one line from each paragraph?Text file parser3267
9282012-03-20How to randomly replace one line from line 7 to line 10 with the same numbers of -?Random word generator3428
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace2939
13702016-06-10How to randomly generate some of the permutation of paragraphs?Advanced search and replace2615
11572013-12-10How to randomly delete some percent of lines that don't have bracket?Text file parser3048
11552013-12-06How to random remove x lines from a line range in text file?Advanced search and replace3186
13332015-12-20How to pick up paired lines with specified rules in a text files?Text file parser2609
13792016-09-24How to pick up lines containing specified suffix from many files in a folder?Text file parser2701
5582010-07-07How to parse all the fields in different segment from a text file?Text file parser3341
3052008-12-10How to operate on multifiles, split each of them to small files with tag as start line?Text file splitter3363
14272018-11-09How to multiply the fifth column by 10 in a text file?Text data calculation1940
11902014-03-30How to multiply numeric values within defined criteria in given text?Advanced search and replace2876
11932014-04-13How to multiply numeric values after specified symbol in each line?Text data calculation2974
14432019-08-09How to multiply numbers in each line after a certain comma?Advanced search and replace2444
6612010-11-22How to multiply column in one file with multiple columns in another?Text data calculation2994
14452019-10-10How to move strings matching specified patterns?Regular expression replace2370
6492010-11-04How to move a list of files that in different folders to a common folder?Batch file rename3826
3342009-05-20How to merge two text file base on the value of first column and do sort?Text merge4294
12712014-12-09How to merge text by first column and calculate average for rest columns?Text data calculation2910
11612013-12-20How to merge odd lines from file1 and even lines from file2?Text merge3931
13992017-08-12How to merge lines with identical first row in two files?Advanced search and replace2382
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