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9102012-01-28How to search and replace multiple files with rules different in sequence number?Replace text in multiple files3283
8752011-10-18How to count the index page size of multiple web sites?Count and statistics3243
8722011-10-13How to search and replace strings in multiple utf-8 encoded text files?Character encoding4612
8312011-08-01How to extract and join text from multiple files with user defined format?Text file parser3618
8112011-06-30How to extract and remove common lines from multiple files?Text file parser4508
7882011-05-24How to create many different html files base on a given template? Html text generator4122
6532010-11-12How to replace file content in multiple files with corresponding filename?Replace text in multiple files4789
4342010-02-27How to replace one content of same files with different contents ?Replace text in multiple files4100
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3831
3222009-03-22How to batch rename files to the first 8 characters of the second line of file content?Batch file rename4800
2122008-07-04How to batch convert/change many html files from gb2312 to utf-8(utf8)?Character encoding10862
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