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14472019-11-02How to split/parse lines into sentences outside two delimiters?Text file parser2406
12932015-04-06How to move the specified line to the end in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files2801
12922015-04-05How to add different words at the beginning of each line?Regular expression replace2786
11832014-03-09How to limit each line to specified length without breaking word?Advanced search and replace3127
11662014-01-10How to add h2 tag for all sub-title lines in text file?Replace text in multiple files3158
11292013-09-12How to find the descriptions in text file and enclose them with a pair of tag?Advanced search and replace2941
11192013-08-25How to add a blank line after last sentence of paragraph?Regular expression replace3671
10412012-12-25How to change "|" to slash and double backslash alternatively?Advanced search and replace2747
10102012-10-03How to add a star at the beginning and a hash at the end of line?Advanced search and replace3073
10092012-10-01How to copy a specific file to all sub-folders?Advanced search and replace3045
9952012-08-21How to merge lines with previous lines that ended with backslash?Regular expression replace3808
9772012-07-23How to make random line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3648
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3100
8612011-09-26How to add words at the begin and end of first line in multiple files?Replace text in multiple files4004
8502011-09-06How to extract company name ended with "co ltd" from many website?Text file parser3179
8132011-06-30How to shuffle specified lines in multiple text files?Advanced search and replace4168
7882011-05-24How to create many different html files base on a given template? Html text generator4122
6552010-11-16How to extract titles from many html files into a txt file?Html text generator4831
6402010-10-27How to count the number of words for many files and append result to each file?Replace text in multiple files3438
6322010-10-15how to add several words such as @socks5 in the end of each line?Advanced search and replace3669
5142010-05-19How to enclose all the odd number of lines with a pair of tags?Advanced search and replace3278
4922010-04-29How to count the number of lines and characters in multiple files and make a list?Count and statistics3789
4842010-04-21How to count the occurrance of some specified words in many files?Count and statistics3286
4762010-04-13How to count the occurrance of specific pattern in each line of text file?Count and statistics3398
4712010-04-08How to count the number of Unique IP address from a web log file?Count and statistics3580
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