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4932010-04-30How to batch generate IP address list that like real IP addresses randomly?Random word generator5469
12152014-07-07How to batch download webpages with a gap of 10 seconds between two pages?Batch download3387
1222008-05-17How to batch download a group of web pages with increasing id?Batch download5483
3602009-12-02How to batch download a group of files in a website?Batch download5447
6102010-09-12How to batch convert arabic number to roman numbers automatcially?Advanced search and replace3126
4302010-02-24How to batch change html filenames with name enclosed by ?Batch file rename3110
3792009-12-31How to add MACD, EMA, FAST%K, SLOW%D columns for CSV file of stock data?Text data calculation3574
4212010-02-13How to add MACD, EMA, FAST%K, SLOW%D and BB columns for stock data?Text data calculation3343
11662014-01-10How to add h2 tag for all sub-title lines in text file?Replace text in multiple files3156
10152012-10-16How to add a specified value to the sequence number in each line?Advanced search and replace3044
10492013-01-30How to add 100 minutes for each start time?Advanced search and replace2888
13522016-03-14How split words from file where all words are joined without spaces?Text file parser2731
3492009-08-26How can I rename files from a specified string inside of a text file? (Not on the first line.)Batch file rename3829
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