File Menu containing "Load" and "Save As", which can be open from "File" menu:
or "popup menu" in edit window:
File ToolBar:
1. File Load(Main Menu/Popup Menu/Toolbar):
> Load file to page --> will load file and overwrite all text in current active page
>> Append file to page --> will append the file to the bottom of the page
>>> Columon Append file to page --> will append the file to the right of the page
User can set "output file delimiter" here as column delimiter:
} HEX Load to page --> file will be open and convert to HEX text format
To learn more about write mode, see Write Mode(Overwrite,Append,Column Append)
Dos Command output --> user enter a dos command, the output will be written to the page, user can select working directory and write mode here.
Note 1: No output will put to the page if DOS commands fail.
Note 2: If user want to input more commands in one line, user should join the commands with '&'.
WWW Page --> user enter a web link, the content of web will be written to the page, user can select type and write mode.
There are 3 types to select:
text: show web page as pure text
html: show web page with html format text
links: show all links list of the web page
User can also set proxy url, username and password, and timeout for reading web page in "Settings" dialog.
Text Generator --> user can generate lines of text by make_batch, make_batch1 function, or self defined function and statement.
By changing "Text=>" entry, Repeat Times, and ${batch_no*} rules, user can get lines of text with desired format and sequence no.
By writing self-defined string expressions under "Commands" entry, user can get desired output text.
User can also select pre-defined "Commands" from list, and make slight change to fit requirement.
Please refer to Functions part for detail about make_batch and make_batch1 functions.
2. File Save As(Main Menu/Popup Menu/Toolbar):
> Overwrite file --> will save current page and overwrite the file
>> Append to file --> will append current page to the bottom of the file
>>> Column Append to file --> Will append current page to the right of the file
User can set "output file delimiter" here as column delimiter:
} HEX Save to file --> will convert HEX text to byte and save to file
< Save to files -- Split by bytes/chars/lines/files--> Will split current page to number of bytes/chars/lines/files. The number and bytes/chars/lines/files switches can be set at Settings->Settings menu.
User can set "split naming" rule and number of "bytes/chars/lines/files" here:
<< Save to files -- Split by Paragraph--> Will split current page into many paragraphs, and save each paragraph into a file
User can set "split naming" rule and paragraph delimiter here:
<<< Save to files -- Split by Column--> Will split current page into many columns, and save each column into a file
User can set "split naming" rule and column delimiter here:
For detail about file spliting, refer to Spliting output text into multi-files(Horizontal and Vertical).
3. Clear Page/Clear All Pages(Main Menu/Popup Menu/Toolbar):
Clear Page will clear current active page
Clear all pages will clear all pages
Notes 1: Please save your text manually before clearing, this operation can not "Undo".
Notes 2: For large amount of text, "Clear Page" is much more efficient than "Select All" and "Delete".
4. Recent File List:
By default, system will keep the maximum 10 recently opened file name(manually or automatcially opened).
By clicking "File->Recent File List->Settings" menu, user can enable/disable Recent File List generating, as well as clearing existing Recent File List
5. Exit:
Quit system, and save current system settings.
By default, system will pop up a dialogue for confirmation on quit.
User can check option of "Disable quit prompt" on quit dialogue to avoid this window appear next time.
User can enable it again at Help->Quick Start Guide menu.