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5652010-07-15How to replace strings in multiple files based on the search/replace mapping file?Replace text in multiple files3561
3812010-01-03How to convert Hexidecimal IP addresses in text file into decimal format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3561
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3560
14112017-12-12How to generate a list of sentences from template sentence?Text generator3558
7842011-05-20How to convert the text from hex format to ascii format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3558
4152010-02-06How to add a number in each line indicating number of words in this line?Count and statistics3556
11672014-01-13How to batch extract specified words from one txt file with specified name?Text file parser3554
9432012-05-02How to extract all blocks that contain specified strings like "A"?Text file parser3554
6232010-10-02How to count the number of words that ended with "ing" in a text file?Count and statistics3554
13112015-07-16How to extract all http links from multiple web sites in one time?Batch download3553
5112010-05-16How to remove nested html tags that only enclose blank tags or  ?Regular expression replace3547
10182012-10-27How to move text before first square bracket to the replace of the parenthesis?Regular expression replace3543
7372011-03-14How to find out the top 5 most frequently appearred words in English article?Count and statistics3543
3862010-01-08How to search and replace multiple terms with 1 common term in text file?Regular expression replace3539
8242011-07-21How to delete the second column in multiple text files?Advanced search and replace3538
4092010-02-01How to batch rename image files by adding picture width and height?Batch file rename3538
5062010-05-12How to batch rename files by adding parenthesis for each number?Batch file rename3537
12662014-11-27How to remove everything before first space in each line?Replace text in multiple files3531
2282008-07-19How to sort many lines by comparing the second word in each line?Text sort3531
1372008-05-20How to add sequence id to the filename for many files?Batch file rename3529
12622014-10-27How to download a list of image files and rename them?Batch download3527
7702011-04-27How to check the reason that Replace Pioneer can not launch?Advanced search and replace3526
8002011-06-16How to extract all function name and sub name from VBA script file?Text file parser3525
6432010-10-30How to generate HEX numbers from 270F to 0000 where 270F been the first? Text generator3525
602008-05-06How to make following user defined format conversion?Advanced search and replace3525
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