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3172009-02-14Why does double quotation mark not work(before version 2.5)?Advanced search and replace3214
3162009-02-11What is the possible cause of file being truncated and very slow replacement?Advanced search and replace2751
422007-11-24Translate some Abbrs in the paragraphAdvanced search and replace3548
492007-11-24Reverse order the 2,3,4,5 words of each line.Advanced search and replace3217
412007-11-24Replace first char of each line to upper caseAdvanced search and replace4130
472007-11-24Need to extract all links from html fileText file parser4643
462007-11-24Need to convert html file to text file, removing html tags and all style/script blocks, etc.Html text generator4168
542007-12-05Make batch text with loop n1=1..6, n2=2,4,6,2,4,6 n3=3,6,3,6,3,6Text generator5251
522007-11-28Make a batch file to change name of all files Text generator4333
532007-12-05Make a batch command with increasing idText generator4123
502007-11-24Join every 3 lines into one lineAdvanced search and replace3792
4662010-04-03Is there any way to strip/add the line number at the beginning of each line?Regular expression replace3816
1512008-05-23Is there any way to keep only the first occurrance of a specified text, and remove/delete the rest?Advanced search and replace2919
1812008-06-08Is there any way to count how many pure English word in a text file?Count and statistics3653
1982008-06-22Is there any way that I can rename all my files by changing first letter to upper case?Batch file rename3513
6202010-09-26Is there any online tool to batch replace text file with regular expression?Replace text in multiple files3475
5622010-07-11Is there any documents that describe how to set batch file rename rules?Batch file rename3146
1472008-05-22Is there a way to make word editing automatically, such as adding a "!" after each word?Advanced search and replace3038
2742008-09-29Is there a way to batch uuencode a lot of files?Character encoding3863
1692008-06-01Is there a way to batch rename files with the first line of the file content?Batch file rename4259
2472008-08-12Is there a way to batch rename files with all letters reversed, like abcd.txt to dcba.txt?Batch file rename3758
3762009-12-28Is there a way to batch rename files by capitalizing each word? Batch file rename3660
1542008-05-24Is there a way to automatically convert the currency in a text file to another?Advanced search and replace3158
1592008-05-27Is there a way to add a fixed line before each line of text?Advanced search and replace3201
3192009-02-17Is there a good document to describe usage of system variables, functions and macros?Advanced search and replace2778
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