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10102012-10-03How to add a star at the beginning and a hash at the end of line?Advanced search and replace3063
10072012-09-21How to reverse the order of the first column in text file?Text sort3872
10002012-09-04How to extract all sentences that contain special keyword from multiple articles?Text file parser4176
9992012-08-27How to insert a keyword only at first line of multiple text files?Replace text in multiple files3897
9942012-08-20How to rename mp3 files by exchanging artist and name part?Batch file rename3487
9882012-08-10How to sort paragraphs base on the second word in each paragraph?Text sort4116
9862012-08-08How to split each line of csv file into a single file with specified format?Text file splitter4925
9842012-08-04How to extract all lines containing words in specified file?Text file parser4739
9802012-07-24How to split a text file to different files according to first word in each line?Text file splitter3750
9792012-07-24How to add a new line return after specified char combinations?Regular expression replace3206
9782012-07-23How to reverse order of sentence clauses and words delimited by specified chars?Advanced search and replace3009
9762012-07-23How to make line by line sequential merge of multiple text files?Text merge3725
9692012-07-12How to extract specified columns from a large pipe separated csv file?Text file parser4056
9642012-06-28How to extract 3 lines from each file randomly?Random word generator3538
9632012-06-23How to put each line of keywords into multiple files with random occurrence?Replace text in multiple files3147
9572012-06-07How to replace some text with a random line from another file?Random word generator3750
9532012-05-27How to rename files by getting the first letter for specified words?Batch file rename3566
9512012-05-23How to remove any word that does not contain character @?Advanced search and replace3063
9492012-05-21How to run multiple commands at once over multiple files?Replace text in multiple files3091
9482012-05-19How to search same text in differnt files and replace with different strings?Replace text in multiple files3155
9472012-05-18How to join two files line by line with comma as separator?Advanced search and replace2964
9412012-04-28How to batch rename files by changing specified part separated by dash?Batch file rename3633
9362012-04-13How to batch rename last part of filenames to the strings from a file?Batch file rename4438
9352012-04-11How to extract half of lines from a text file randomly?Random word generator3832
9332012-03-30How to replace or remove 3 lines randomly in a text file?Random word generator3683
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