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9632012-06-23How to put each line of keywords into multiple files with random occurrence?Replace text in multiple files3168
8932011-12-03How to count the number of words that started with "en"?Count and statistics3306
8872011-11-15How to count the occurrence of a list of words in a text file?Count and statistics3710
8452011-08-31How to count the appearance of 100 most commonly used words in an article?Count and statistics3095
6232010-10-02How to count the number of words that ended with "ing" in a text file?Count and statistics3543
5182010-05-23How to count all words that are longer the 3 characters and sort by frequency?Count and statistics3138
4692010-04-06How to count and sort the frequency of all words appeared in many text files?Count and statistics6998
3072008-12-23How to count how many characters, punctuations in a text file?Count and statistics4491
1992008-06-23Is it easy to analyze web logs and provide a sorted list of visiting numbers of different countries?Count and statistics3269
14062017-12-05How to count original form of words in a passage?Advanced search and replace2252
11042013-07-15How to count apperance of distinct IP and remove specified IP range?Advanced search and replace3168

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