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13112015-07-16How to extract all http links from multiple web sites in one time?Batch download3659
12152014-07-07How to batch download webpages with a gap of 10 seconds between two pages?Batch download3508
12062014-05-21How to download all jpg files from the second level webpages?Batch download3906
9962012-08-21How to extract all image links from a list of webpages?Batch download6187
9012012-01-05How to extract distinct webpages from weblog file?Text file parser3685
8642011-09-30How to download multiple webpages with part of url as filename?Batch download4685
8632011-09-29How to remove all the unavailable addresses from a list of web pages?Text file parser3196
8072011-06-24How to extract all http links from multiple web sites in one time?Text file parser4392
7622011-04-11How to download all webpages that linked from homepage?Batch download3784
7602011-04-07How to extract email addresses from multiple webpages?Text file parser4652
7362011-03-10How to extract email from webpage and remove duplicate?Text file parser3316
7352011-03-09How to extract email address from website or webpages?Text file parser6012
6662010-11-27How to download image files from a serial of html pages?Batch download4408
5932010-08-19How to extract multiple webpages and save all text into text files?Batch download7441
3852010-01-07How to download all html pages with images on some website?Batch download4100

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