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4032010-01-25How to extract all lines that contain A, but not any of B C D?Text file parser3754
2532008-08-19How to extract text enclosed by "body" tag from many html files and join together?Text file parser3712
4392010-03-06How to extract all telephone numbers from a text file?Text file parser3664
8702011-10-11How to extract all english words that preceded by multi-byte characters?Text file parser3649
7072011-01-27How to extract all upper cases words from a text file?Text file parser3644
10612013-03-06How to extract text between specified start and end strings?Text file parser3626
3442009-07-20How to extract/parse title from many html files and join together?Text file parser3612
5602010-07-09How to remove all the lines that do not contain any of words in a list?Text file parser3609
1852008-06-11How to extract text from 'start' to 'end' in each line?Text file parser3603
7842011-05-20How to convert the text from hex format to ascii format?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3540
9432012-05-02How to extract all blocks that contain specified strings like "A"?Text file parser3536
7372011-03-14How to find out the top 5 most frequently appearred words in English article?Count and statistics3521
8002011-06-16How to extract all function name and sub name from VBA script file?Text file parser3509
7532011-03-28How to exract specified strings started with www from text file?Text file parser3469
2432008-08-07How to extract titles of all html files and save them to one file?Text file parser3453
2222008-07-13How to handle conditional text replacement with 'if' and 'else' branches?Advanced search and replace3451
8712011-10-11How to extract all characters within specified char set from a text file?Text file parser3405
11122013-07-31How to copy all files under all sub-folders "sym" to common folder?Advanced search and replace3401
8172011-07-07How to search and sum the numbers at specified position in a text file?Text data calculation3381
5582010-07-07How to parse all the fields in different segment from a text file?Text file parser3332
622008-05-06How to remove/delete all words other than 'this','that' and 'how' in a file?Advanced search and replace3322
8052011-06-23How to extract all lines that contain chem, but not any of org and cn?Text file parser3321
4202010-02-12How to convert numbers into scientific format with specified spacing?Advanced search and replace3313
1832008-06-09How to analyze a log file and find out how many lines contain 'Pass' and how many lines contain 'Fail'?Count and statistics3290
8222011-07-18How to extract all records that contains specified field values?Text file parser3281
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